Publications and conferences

Learning design / learning technology

[conference] Barnabas, D., Sadza, A. Usmani, O., John, C. A four-step framework for case-based learning. ALT Conference (2022)

[conference] Sadza, A., Barnabas, D., Baker, Y., Yaqub, Y., Bola, H., Cuculovic, V., Ahmadi, A. Saleh, S. Student partnerships within a multidisciplinary team to enhance digital learning resources in medical education. ALT Conference (2022)  

[conference] Saleh, S., Sadza, A. It takes a team to create digital innovation: the facilitators and barriers to adopting learning solutions for educating early years’ MBBS students. Transform MedEd (2022) (research presentation)

James, M., Baptista, A.M.T., Barnabas, D., Sadza, A., Smith, S. Usmani, O.  Collaborative case-based learning with programmatic team-based assessment: a novel methodology for developing advanced skills in early-years medical students. BMC Med Educ 22, 81 (2022).

[conference] James, M., Barnabas, D., Sadza, A., John, C., Usmani, O. Imperial’s Approach to Case-Based Learning: CSI A Digitally Supercharged Recipe for Successful Future Doctors. Transform MedEd (2020) (poster)  

[conference] Sadza, A., Blyth, E. Align, scaffold, engage: collaboration between learning designers, academics and students in the design and development of online content for flipped classroom. ALT Annual Conference (2018)

[conference] Sadza, A., Blyth, E. Lessons from our students: How to flip the classroom without falling on your face. Active Learning Conference (2018) 

Fregona, C. with A. Sadza. (2016) Blended learning. In: H. Pokorny, D. Warren (eds.) Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. SAGE. (I contributed a case study in TEL to the chapter on blended learning)

Sadza, A. (2014) Teaching professional competencies: an exercise in module design. Investigations in University Learning and Teaching, 9. pp. 100-110. ISSN 1740-5106   

[conference] Sadza, A. Teaching professional competencies: an exercise in module design. Learning and Teaching Conference, London Metropolitan University (2013). 

Translation studies / Literary studies
Review of Enríquez Raído, Vanessa (2014). Translation and Web Searching. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 212, ISBN: 978-0-415-85729-1 (hbk), 978-0-203-79803-4 (ebk) [accepted for publication in JosTrans]

“Narratologia Mieke Bal” (review of the Polish translation of Mieke Bal’s Narratology). Przekładaniec 27, pp. 238-246, 201. (2013)

“’Sobiepaństwo wielmożów’ vs. the Magnates’ ‘Lordly Whims’. Translation of Political Language in the English Version of Madame by Antoni Libera”. In Jodłowiec, M. and Leśniewska, J. (eds.) Ambiguity and the Search for Meaning: English and American Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century Vol. 2. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2010

Review of: Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau. (2008) A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters Ltd [in Polish]. In: Kultura i Polityka. Zeszyty Naukowe WSE (scholarly journal), Krakow: Tischner European University, 2/3.

“Informative role of translation in intercultural relations. On foreignness in the English translation of Hanemann by Stefan Chwin (transl. by Philip Boehm)” [in Polish]. In: Źródła europejskiej humanistyki, K. Korus (ed.), Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2009.

Sadza, A. (2009) “Poznawcza rola przekładu w relacjach międzykulturowych. O obcości w angielskim przekładzie powieści Hanemann Stefana Chwina”. In Korus, K. (ed.) Źródła europejskiej humanistyki. Kraków: WUJ.

14th Translation Conference “Formality and grandeur in translation”, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 28.04.2007. Paper: “‘Beauty’ and ‘faithfulness’ in translation – on literariness of style as a manifestation of translational norms in Death in Danzig (Hanemann) by Stefan Chwin.” [in Polish]. In: Między oryginałem a przekładem Vol. 14, M. Filipowicz-Rudek, J. Brzozowski (eds.). Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2008.

Sadza, A. (2008) “Przekład »dobry« a przekład »wierny«. O stylu jako przejawie realizacji norm przekładowych na przykładzie Death in Danzig (Hanemanna) Stefana Chwina (przeł. Philip Boehm)”. In: Filipowicz-Rudek, M. and Brzozowski, J. (eds.) Między oryginałem a przekładem, vol. 14. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.

15th Translation Conference ““Cultural foreignness as translational challenge”, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 11.04.2008. Paper: “Translating a book on untranslatability. An analysis of otherness in Wilczy notes by Mariusz Wilk and its English translation by Danusia Stok (The Journals of a White Sea Wolf)” [in Polish]. Accepted for publication in: Między oryginałem a przekładem, Vol. 15.

„Jak przełożyć książkę o nieprzekładalności. Analiza śladów obcości w Wilczym notesie Mariusza Wilka i jego przekładzie na język angielski (The Journals of the White Sea Wolf, przeł. Danusia Stok)”. W: Między oryginałem a przekładem: Obcość kulturowa jako wyzwanie dla tłumacza, tom 15, M. Filipowicz-Rudek, J. Brzozowski (eds.). Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2009.

IPCITI University of Edinburgh, October 2011. Paper: ‘“The Langfur District Was Now Known As Wrzeszcz”: The Role of Place Names in Identity Construction in an English Translation of a Contemporary Polish Novel’

CETRA, 20th Doctoral Summer School, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, August 2008.

International conference: “April Conference Eleven: Ambiguity and the Search for Meaning”, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 23—25.04.2008. Paper: “’Sobiepaństwo wielmożów’ vs. the magnates’ ‘lordly whims’. Translation of political language in the English version of Madame by Antoni Libera (transl. by Agnieszka Kolakowska)” [in English]

Conference: “Polish Translations of Literature in English” Łódź University, Poland, 14.04.2007. Paper: „Translating ‘foreignized’ languages: Jonathan Safran Foer in Polish and Dorota Masłowska in English” [in Polish, accepted for publication]

2nd Translation Workshops, Institute of English Philology, Jagiellonian University, 07.03.2007, panel chair “Prose in Translation – Eureka Street (Robert McLiam Wilson)”.

Published translations

Translations for Jagiellonian University Press (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego), Kraków, Poland: 2003-2011

– T. Boelstorff, Dojrzewanie w Second Life [Coming of Age in Second Life]. Submitted to JUP, Dec. 2011.

– P. Boyd, R. Steward, R. Alexander, Dziennikarstwo radiowo-telewizyjne [Broadcast Journalism], 6th ed. Kraków: JUP, 2011. ISBN: 978-83-233-3023-3

– L. Gorman, D. McLean, Media i społeczeństwo. Wprowadzenie historyczne [Media and Society in the Twentieth Century. A Historical Introduction], Kraków: JUP, 2010, ISBN: 978-83-233-3002-8

– M. Lister, J. Dovey, S. Giddings, I. Grant Nowe media. Wprowadzenie [New Media. A Critical Introduction], Kraków: JUP, 2009. ISBN: 978-83-233-2773-8 (1/3 of the book)

– D. della Porta, M. Diani, Ruchy społeczne. Wprowadzenie [Social Movements. An Introduction], Kraków, JUP, 2009. ISBN: 978-83-233-2655-7

– B. Hennessy, Dziennikarstwo publicystyczne [Writing Feature Articles], Kraków, JUP, 2009. ISBN: 978-83-233-2647-2

– S. Allen, Newsy w sieci [Online News], Kraków, JUP, 2008. ISBN 978-83-233-2557-4.

– D. Lemish, Dzieci i telewizja [Children and Television], Kraków, JUP, 2008. ISBN 978-83-233-2450-8.

– R. McLeish, Produkcja radiowa [Radio Production], Kraków, JUP, 2007. ISBN 978-83-233-2336-5.

– S. Baran, D. Davis. Teorie komunikowania masowego [Mass Communication Theory], Kraków, JUP, 2007. ISBN 978-83-233-2265-8.

– A. Boyd, Dziennikarstwo radiowo-telewizyjne [Broadcast Journalism], Kraków, JUP, 2006. ISBN 83-233-2163-9.

– C. Barker, Studia kulturowe. Teoria i praktyka [Cultural Studies. Theory and Practice], Kraków, JUP, 2005. ISBN 83-233-2005-5.

– D. Muggleton, Wewnątrz subkultury. Ponowoczesne znaczenie stylu [Inside Subculture: The Postmodern Meaning of Style], Kraków, JUP, 2004. ISBN 83-233-1868-9.

– T. Edensor, Tożsamość narodowa, kultura popularna i życie codzienne [National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life], Kraków, JUP, 2004. ISBN 83-233-1919-7.

Other published translations:

In: M. Heydel, P. Bukowski, Współczesne teorie przekładu. Antologia. Kraków: Znak, 2009. ISBN: 978-83-240-1147-6 (articles and essays in translation studies):

– A. Lefevere, “Ogórki Matki Courage. Tekst, system i refrakcja w teorii literatury” [Mother Courage’s Cucumbers. Text, System and Refraction in a Theory of Literature]

– G. Toury, “Metoda w opisowych badaniach przekładu” [Constituting a Method for Descriptive Studies]

– M.Tymoczko, “Literatura postkolonialna i przekład literacki” [Postcolonial Writing and Literary Translation]

– L. Chamberlain, „Rodzaj a metaforyka przekładu” [Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation]

E. Bindevoet, R. Henkes, “Finnegans Wake po holendersku, holenderski w Finnegans Wake i jak sobie z tym poradzić” [Finnegans Wake in Dutch, Dutch in Finnegans Wake, and what to do with it], Przekładaniec, 13-14, 2/2004-1/2005. (translation journal)